Wednesday, January 23, 2019

6th grade homework 1.23.2019

Read this article on the Voyager 2 Spacecraft and answer the following questions:

1. EXPLAIN what the heliosphere is.
2. What does the heliosphere have to do with Voyager 2?
3. Use the graph from the article to determine: a. what happened to the number of  Galactic cosmic particles Voyager 2 recorded after October 2018 (did they INCREASE or DECREASE)? and b. what happened to heliospheric particles Voyager 2 recorded after October 2018?
4. EXPLAIN why Voyager 1's measurments of cosmic rays and magnetic fields was DIFFERENT than Voyager 2s.
5. SUMMARIZE the key point of this article.

Please label the top of your homework: "HOMEWORK #8." It is due on Friday, 1.25.2019!

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You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...