Monday, March 2, 2020

Homework T3-2; week of 3/3/2020

SCIENCE STUDENTS: Click on the link to be taken to an article to read for homework. Additionally, you will need to answer the questions listed beneath the link on the blog. Answer the questions listed on a sheet of notebook paper. On your sheet of notebook paper, you should write:


6th grade: click here to be taken to your article
1. How big is Jupiter? Use the earth as a reference point in your answer.
2. Describe how Uranus and Neptune are different from other gas giants.
3. Describe how the structure of Jupiter and Saturn differs from the structure of Earth.
4. Scroll down to the list of vocabulary words and read about Saturn. Which is longer: a day on earth or a day on Saturn? EXPLAIN your answer using data from the article.

7th grade: click here to be taken to your article
1. How many genes contribute to cat allergies in humans?
2. Explain what "engineer cats to..." means in this article.
3. What do you think "gene editing" means? Use context clues to determine your answer.
4. EXPLAIN what actually causes people to have allergies to cats. (Hint: it's not cat hair!)

8th grade: click here to be taken to your article
1. What was the hypothesis of the experiment in this article?
2. Determine the independent and dependent variables in the experiment in this article.
3. What kind of a mixture (heterogenous or homogenous) is rock candy? We are learning about these words this week in class- if you want to work ahead, look them up in your book!
4. Analyze the results of the experiment- was the experimenter's hypothesis supported or unsupported by the results? EXPLAIN your answer.

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6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...