Thursday, March 19, 2020

7a/7b distance learning 3.19.2020-3.20.2020

You are going to make a google slide presentation about a known genetic mutation in humans.
You may use the list of genetic disorders in your book on p.176 OR this list of genetic super powers for this project.

This project is worth 14 points and will be a test grade. Below is the scoring guide:

  • Include a title slide that displays the name of the genetic mutation, your name and your class (3 pts)
  • The first slide should include the following information:
    •  When was the mutation discovered? (1 pt)
    •  What is the name of the gene AND if known, what chromosome is it on? (1 pt)
    •  Include a picture that is relevant to the slide (1 pt)
  • The second slide should include the following information:
    •  What phenotype do "normal" humans show, and what phenotype do "mutant" humans show? (2 pts)
    •  Give at least 2 facts related to this mutation that are interesting (2 pts)
  •  Include 1 picture that is relevant to the information above (1 pt)
  • Slides are organized and creative (2 pts)
  • Slides have few or NO spelling or grammar errors (1pt)
An example can be found HERE and is about an imaginary Fraggle mutation; YOURS SHOULD BE REAL!

This project is due on or before FRIDAY, March 20th at 11:59pm! This counts for 2 days of work, you will not be assigned additional work tomorrow!

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6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...