Wednesday, March 18, 2020

7a/7b distance learning 3.18.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 3, <your full name>

Read p.170-176 in your book, and answer all the following reading checks/key concepts checks/ visual checks in complete sentences: KCC 170, RC 172, KCC 173, RC 174, VC 175, KCC 176.
LASTLY, in 2-3 complete sentences, explain what a mutation is and HOW it can occur.

(Don't know what those capital letters and numbers mean? KCC 170 = key concept check, page 170).

This is due by email on or before March 19th, 2020 at 11:59p!

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6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...