Friday, March 27, 2020

6a/6b distance learning 3.27.2020

You will be doing a Ted-ed lesson online for today's distance learning.

You will need to answer the question under the THINK tab as well as under the DISCUSS tab. If you're not sure what that means, look at the red arrows below. Keep reading after you look at the picture below.
When you submit an answer, be sure to type in your name. You must hit save my answer in order to type in your name; see the picture below. 
You do not need to write down your answers OR send a google doc! CLICK HERE TO BE TAKEN TO THE LESSON!!!

This is due by 11:59p on March 29th, 2020! Email or text if you have questions!

8a/8b distance learning 3/27/2020

Today, you will be taking a google forms quiz on the distance learning content from the last two weeks.

You may use your books, your projects and your assignments to help you on this quiz.


Take your time and review your work from the past 2 weeks!

This quiz should be submitted by 11:59p on March 29th, 2020!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

8a/8b Distance Learning 3.26.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 8, <your full name>

Do two things before you complete your work:
1. Watch this episode of BrainPop about atoms (Login: Eagles122, Password: Eagles122)
2. Read p.322 in your book

Your work:
1. Answer the following questions on p.323: 1-5
2. Write a short paragraph EXPLAINING how the following words are related: atom, element, compound
PLEASE NOTE: you will have a google forms quiz on Friday, and SOME of the questions will be questions off the BrainPop quiz! You may want to practice by taking the quiz today!

This assignment is due at 11:59p on March 27th, 2020!

7a/7b distance learning 3.26.2020-3.27.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 8, <your full name>

Read p.247-252 in your science book.
FIRST: Answer the following questions: KCC 248, VC 248, RC 249, VC 250, VC 251.
SECOND: Read this opinion editorial about the coronavirus. Write a response to that article, based on your prior knowledge and what you read about in your science book. Your response should be 1-2 paragraphs long, and should include: 1) a topic sentence 2) a clear statement of your opinion and 3) 2 science facts from the book to support your opinion.

This work is expected to take you two distance learning days- everything is due on Sunday, March 29th at 11:59p!

6a/6b Distance Learning 3.26.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 8, <your full name>

 Read this article about light-years.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. If you were traveling at the speed of light, how many times could you circle the earth in a second?
2. How much time would it take to get from the earth to the moon if you were traveling at the speed of light?
3. EXPLAIN what the article means by "We are actually looking into the past!"
4. EXPLAIN how fireworks and the speed of light are related.
5. Give one good reason we use light-years to measure distances in space.
6. How long is the Milky Way galaxy in light-years?
7. How "old" is the light we see from the Andromeda Galaxy?
8. How many miles does light travel in one year?

This work is due by 11:59p on March 27th, 2020!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

6a/6b Distance Learning 3.24.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 7, <your full name>

Watch this episode of BrainPop on Constellations: Constellation Episode
Login: Eagles122 Password: Eagles122

FIRST: Take the graded quiz. Write the question number AND the correct answer for each- write out the WHOLE answer, do not write just the letter.
NEXT: Use the map on this website to identify 2 constellations you COULD see outside tonight in Pewee Valley, KY this evening.

This assignment is due on or before 11:59p on March 25th!

7a/7b Distance Learning 3.24.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 7, <your full name>

You can CHOOSE which assignment you are completing today:
Option A: A google slides presentation
Options B: A cartoon drawing (you MUST send as a photo that is legible!)

Either way, the project you choose to do should very CLEARLY describe how DNA is transcribed by mRNA and then translated into a protein. Your presentation OR cartoon drawing should meet the following criteria:
-It is clear you understand what mRNA is and it's role (1 pt)
-It is clear you understand what happens during transcription (1 pt)
-It is clear you understand what tRNA is and it's role (1 pt)
-It is clear you understand what happens during translation (1 pt)
-It is clear you understand how proteins are made and what protein has to do with transcription and translation (2 pts)
-your project is NEAT (1 pt)
-your project is CREATIVE (1 pt)
-your project is not an exact copy from the book or from any of the videos given to you - everything should be in your own words! (2 pts)

10 pts total!

You should use the figure on p.174 to help you AS WELL AS this Amoeba Sisters video to help you! You may revisit the video from yesterday as well.

This assignment is DUE by 11:59p on March 25th, 2020!

8a/8b Distance Learning 3.24.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 7, <your full name>

Read p.362-369 in your book.
FIRST: Define the following terms AND give 1 example of each: nonmetals, halogens, noble gasses, metalloids.
NEXT: answer the following review questions on p.369 in your book: 1-5, 8-9

This assignment is due on or before 11:59p on March 25th!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

6a/6b Distance Learning 3.23.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 6, <your full name>

Read p.801-805 in your book.
Answer all of the following key concept checks and visual checks from this section: VC 802, KCC 802, KCC 803, KCC 805, VC 805.

What do those letters and numbers mean???!!! VC 802 = visual check, page 802. KCC 802 = key concept check, page 802.

LASTLY, visit this page on and determine what major constellation you can see in the sky TONIGHT! BONUS EXTRA CREDIT points if your parent emails me and says you went aside this evening to try and see it!

This assignment is due on or before 11:59p on March 24th!

7a/7b Distance Learning 3.23.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 6, <your full name>

Re-read chapter 5.3, pages 171-174 in your science book. After that, watch this short video: Professor Dave Explains: Transcription and Translation. This week, your goal is to understand and be able to explain what DNA transcription and translation is.

Answer the following review questions on p.177: 1-2,4,6-8. ALSO, in 2-4 complete sentences, COMPARE and CONTRAST transcription and translation.

This assignment is due on or before 11:59p on March 24th!

8a/8b Distance Learning 3.23.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 6, <your full name>

Read p.355-360 in your book.
FIRST: Look at the FOLDABLES picture at the bottom left corner of p.356. Make a list of at least 2 physical properties and 2 chemical properties of metals.
NEXT: answer the following review questions on p.360 in your book: 1-2, 5-8 (question 8 asks you to identify materials in your classroom, but you can think about materials in your home!)

This assignment is due on or before 11:59p on March 24th!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

8a/8b distance learning 3.19.2020-3.20.2020

You are going to make a google slide about your chosen element from yesterday.
You should title the slide with the name of the element and your full name.

Your google slide show should display the information you found in your research. You will need to make 1-3 slides for this project, depending on how you decide to format it. Click here for a sample project, you cannot use the element in this example!

This project is a test grade that will be worth 16 points.
Below is the scoring guide:

-Slides includes multiple pictures that are relevant (2 pts)
-Slides are organized and easy to read (2 pts)
-What is the element name and symbol are given. (2 pts)
-When are who discovered the element are given (2 pts)
-Element family is identified correctly (1 pt)
-Group and period number are identified correctly (1 pt)
-Each physical property given is worth a point (2 pts)
-1 chemical property is given (1 pt)
-2 real world uses are described (2 pts)
-All text on the slide is clear, easy to read and has little to no spelling or grammar errors

This project is due by 11:59p on March 20th, 2020! You have 2 days to work on this project, you will not have additional distance learning tomorrow!

7a/7b distance learning 3.19.2020-3.20.2020

You are going to make a google slide presentation about a known genetic mutation in humans.
You may use the list of genetic disorders in your book on p.176 OR this list of genetic super powers for this project.

This project is worth 14 points and will be a test grade. Below is the scoring guide:

  • Include a title slide that displays the name of the genetic mutation, your name and your class (3 pts)
  • The first slide should include the following information:
    •  When was the mutation discovered? (1 pt)
    •  What is the name of the gene AND if known, what chromosome is it on? (1 pt)
    •  Include a picture that is relevant to the slide (1 pt)
  • The second slide should include the following information:
    •  What phenotype do "normal" humans show, and what phenotype do "mutant" humans show? (2 pts)
    •  Give at least 2 facts related to this mutation that are interesting (2 pts)
  •  Include 1 picture that is relevant to the information above (1 pt)
  • Slides are organized and creative (2 pts)
  • Slides have few or NO spelling or grammar errors (1pt)
An example can be found HERE and is about an imaginary Fraggle mutation; YOURS SHOULD BE REAL!

This project is due on or before FRIDAY, March 20th at 11:59pm! This counts for 2 days of work, you will not be assigned additional work tomorrow!

6a/6b distance learning 3.19.2020-3.20.2020

Today, you will use your research from yesterday to create a proposal to build a colony on the moon.

Your proposal should be on a google slide format. Here is the scoring guide with points attached:

    • Give your presentation a title (1 pt)
    • Include your name (1 pt)
    • Include your class (6a or 6b) (1 pt)
    • Give some reasons it would benefit humans to build a colony on the moon; write in complete sentences and explain your thoughts clearly (2 pts)
    • How will build your moon colony so that it will protect humans from harmful radiation? (2 pts)
    • How will the humans on the colony get food and water? (2 pts)
    • How will humans on the colony deal with less gravity? (1 pt)
    • Include a relevant picture (1 pt)
    • Give 2 ways life on the moon colony will be different from earth life (2 pts)
    • Include a relevant picture (1 pt)
The project is a test grade worth 14 pt. It is due on or before Monday, March 23rd at 11:59pm! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

8a/8b distance learning 3.18.2020

You do not need to turn in this assignment! You need to do research today, tomorrow you will work on a project and use the research to complete the project!!!
Watch this lesson on the periodic table.
Choose an element on the periodic table that interests you. Do not pick Iodine. You can use the table in your book, or you can use this interactive periodic table ! When you click on an element in this table, you will get some information on the element! (Yes, sometimes the table will take you to Wikipedia...that's ok!)
For your given element, record the following information:
What is the element name and symbol?
If the element goes by other names, what are they?
When was the element discovered? Who discovered it?
What is the element family? (Non-metal, alkali metals, metal, metalloid, noble gasses, alkali earth metals)?
What is the element group number and period number?
Give 2 physical properties of this element. (What is its melting or freezing point? What color is it? Is it shiny or dull? 
Give 1 chemical property of this element. (Is it reactive or non-reactive? Is it flammable? Is it toxic to humans?)
DESCRIBE at least 2 real-world uses of this element.

Do not turn this in, keep it handy for tomorrow!

7a/7b distance learning 3.18.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 3, <your full name>

Read p.170-176 in your book, and answer all the following reading checks/key concepts checks/ visual checks in complete sentences: KCC 170, RC 172, KCC 173, RC 174, VC 175, KCC 176.
LASTLY, in 2-3 complete sentences, explain what a mutation is and HOW it can occur.

(Don't know what those capital letters and numbers mean? KCC 170 = key concept check, page 170).

This is due by email on or before March 19th, 2020 at 11:59p!

6a/6b distance learning 3.18.2020

You do NOT need to turn in this assignment. You should complete research today that you are going to use for a project that I will assign tomorrow!

Today, you are going to do some research on what it would be like to live on the moon.
Watch this video about what life on the moon would be like. Additionally, use p.735-739 in your book to help you get the information you need.

Record the following information on a sheet of paper:
1. IDENTIFY 2 ways having less gravity would affect us if we were to live on the moon.
2. Is there radiation on the moon? How would it affect us?
3. What would "day" and "night" be like on the moon?
4. How would people get enough food and water on the moon?
5. Give 2 things humans will have to do in order to stay healthy on the moon.
6. THINK (you won't find these answers in the video or the book): give 1 reason we should try and build a station on the moon. Give 1 reason we shouldn't spend the resources to build a base on the moon.

Do not turn this assignment in. You will use it for your work tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

8a/8b distance learning 3.17.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 2, <your full name>

Read p.345-352 in your book and answer the following reading checks/ key concept checks/visual checks on your assignment- make sure you label them by page number: RC 346, KCC 347, VC 349, RC 351. Answer these in complete sentences.
Answer the review questions on p. 352: #1-#5

This assignment is due on or before 11:59p on March 18th!

7a/7b distance learning 3.17.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 2, <your full name>

Read this article on polygenic inheritance, then watch this video on co-dominance, incomplete dominance and polygenic inheritance.
1. DEFINE the following terms: polygenic inheritance, co-dominance, incomplete dominance.
2. USING YOUR IMAGINARY CREATURES FROM YESTERDAY, write 3 short paragraphs that illustrate the vocabulary words. Examples using the Fraggles are posted below for polygenic inheritance. To get full credit, write in complete sentences and be as clear as possible.

EXAMPLE: In fraggles, hair color is polygenic: it is controlled by 3 genes. There is a gene for hair color: red is dominant to blue hair. There is a gene for pigment production: light pigment production is dominant to dark pigment production. Lastly, there is a gene for texture: straight hair is dominant to curly hair. So, for example, Red the Fraggle and MooMoo the Fraggle might both be dominant for red hair color, but if Red has the gene for light pigment and MooMoo has the gene for dark pigment, and Red has the gene for straight hair and MooMoo has the gene for curly hair, their hair will look different. Red will have light colored, straight red hair (it might even look more pink than red colored!). MooMoo will have very dark red (it might even look cranberry colored) curly hair!

This assignment is due on or before March 18th at 11:59p!  

Monday, March 16, 2020

6a/6b distance learning 3.17.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 2, <your full name>

Work on the study guide on p.753 in your book.
Answer questions #1-6 in the complete sentences.
For example, if you were asked to distinguish between these two terms: rocky plant, gas giant, you would write: Rocky planets are planets that are made up of solid and molten rock, gas giants are planets that are made up of mostly gasses and ice.

After that, fill in the blanks on the flow chart at the bottom of the page, #8-#14. Use Chapter 20 to help you complete this!

This assignment is due on or before Wednesday, March 18th @ 11:59p!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

6a/6b DISTANCE LEARNING 3.16.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 1, <your full name>
Read p. 743-746 in your book. After that, watch the BrainPop episode that is titled "Eclipse". Click here to go to BrainPop; our school login is Eagles122 and password is Eagles122.
After you READ and WATCH, answer the following questions:
1. Explain what a penumbra and an umbra are.
2. Describe when a solar eclipse happens.
3. Describe when a lunar eclipse happens.
4. Explain why we don't have eclipses all the time.
5. Explain what the path of totality is.
6. Look at Figure 15 in your book. Describe how your view of the sun will change during a solar eclipse.

This is due by email on OR before March 17th, 2020 at 11:59p!

7a/7b DISTANCE LEARNING 3.16.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 1, <your full name>

Your work today is in two parts:
1. Click here to access some punnett square practice problems. Answer the questions on the worksheet. Even though it says it is a quiz, it is not a quiz grade!
2. Choose an imaginary creature from pop culture and create 3 punnett square practice problems about that creature. Your problems should be written in the SAME format as problems #3-#5 on the worksheet from above. If you can't think of any imaginary creatures, here are a few suggestions: Ewoks (Star Wars), House-Elves (Harry Potter), T-Rex (Jurassic Park), Pokemon, whatever the heck kind of creature Yoda is...ect...

THIS WORK IS DUE BY EMAIL ON or BEFORE MARCH 17th, 2020 at 11:59p!

8a/8b DISTANCE LEARNING 3.16.2020

You should title this assignment: SCIENCE DL 1, <your full name>

Watch this Khan Academy video and answer the questions below.
They will be answered in the video in order.

1. Air is made up of 3 different elements. What 3 elements make up air are listed in the video?
2. All of the different elements that make up air have different ________________.
3. Pure substances that have specific properties are called _____________________.
4. EXPLAIN why water isn't an element.
5. Give an example of 2 substances (that aren't answers to #1) that ARE elements.
6. The basic unit that makes up an element is called an ________________.
7. Compare the size of an atom to the width of a human hair.
8. LIST the 3 fundamental parts of an atom.
9. EXPLAIN the difference between Carbon-12 and Carbon-14.
10. Describe where electrons are in an atom relative to where the protons and neutrons are. 

THIS WORK IS DUE BY EMAIL ON or BEFORE 11:59p on MARCH 17th, 2020! 

Monday, March 9, 2020

Homework T3-3; week of 3/9/2020

SCIENCE STUDENTS: Click on the link to be taken to aTED-Ed video for homework. Additionally, you will need to answer the questions listed beneath the link to your video. Answer the questions listed on a sheet of notebook paper. On your sheet of notebook paper, you should write:


You will need access to the internet or audio to complete this homework! Please stay in for indoor recess if you cannot do this at home!

8th grade: click here to be taken to your homework video!
After watching the video, click on the THINK tab. Answer all of the questions on the THINK tab on your sheet of notebook paper!

7th grade: click here to be taken to your homework video!
After watching the video, click on the THINK tab. Answer questions #1, #3-#4, #6 on your sheet of notebook paper!

6th grade: click here to be taken to your TED-Ed video!
After watching the video, click on the THINK tab. Answer questions: #1. #3, #6, #8 on your sheet of notebook paper!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Homework T3-2; week of 3/3/2020

SCIENCE STUDENTS: Click on the link to be taken to an article to read for homework. Additionally, you will need to answer the questions listed beneath the link on the blog. Answer the questions listed on a sheet of notebook paper. On your sheet of notebook paper, you should write:


6th grade: click here to be taken to your article
1. How big is Jupiter? Use the earth as a reference point in your answer.
2. Describe how Uranus and Neptune are different from other gas giants.
3. Describe how the structure of Jupiter and Saturn differs from the structure of Earth.
4. Scroll down to the list of vocabulary words and read about Saturn. Which is longer: a day on earth or a day on Saturn? EXPLAIN your answer using data from the article.

7th grade: click here to be taken to your article
1. How many genes contribute to cat allergies in humans?
2. Explain what "engineer cats to..." means in this article.
3. What do you think "gene editing" means? Use context clues to determine your answer.
4. EXPLAIN what actually causes people to have allergies to cats. (Hint: it's not cat hair!)

8th grade: click here to be taken to your article
1. What was the hypothesis of the experiment in this article?
2. Determine the independent and dependent variables in the experiment in this article.
3. What kind of a mixture (heterogenous or homogenous) is rock candy? We are learning about these words this week in class- if you want to work ahead, look them up in your book!
4. Analyze the results of the experiment- was the experimenter's hypothesis supported or unsupported by the results? EXPLAIN your answer.

6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...