Wednesday, March 20, 2019

6th grade HW 3.20.2019

On a sheet of notebook paper, write the following things at the top:
HW T3-3
6A or 6B

Read this article about scientists who are trying to design a modern burger. Answer the following questions on your sheet of notebook paper:
1. EXPLAIN the reason some scientists are working on making a burger by just growing the parts we want to eat.
2. DEFINE Patrick O Brown's goal in this article:
3. THINK (this is not in the text): list at least 3 constraints these scientists working on solving this burger problem will have to consider.
4. DESCRIBE at least 2 problems of the big meat industry.
5. ANALYZE the graph on greenhouse gas emissions: identify the 3 products that have the biggest range in greenhouse gas emissions.

Homework is due FRIDAY, March 22nd at the beginning of class!

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6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...