Thursday, April 18, 2019

8th grade resources: fallout shelter project

It's always good to be prepared for disaster - in this case, we are preparing for the disaster of nuclear war!
Your group's task is to prepare a plan for those of use here at St. Aloysius in case of a nuclear attack.
You are going to communicate your plan in a powerpoint presentation, but your plan should include student-made drawings. 

 The project scoring guide is as follows:

PART 1 - consequences of poor shelter construction

Part of planning for a disaster is understanding WHY it is important we make the plan in the first place. For this first part of the project, you should prepare some slides explaining the consequences of not building a shelter OR building a poorly constructed shelter. You should include the following information on your slides:
-based on your map, what is the biggest threat to us at St. Aloysius: the nuclear blast, fallout radiation, or both?
-what are some of the harmful effects of nuclear fallout on the human body?
-how will nuclear fallout affect our water, soil and air supply?

PART 2- shelter construction (100 pts)
Your group must design and build a model of a fallout shelter that is capable of housing everyone in our class (that's students AND staff) at St. Aloysius. Your shelter plan should include the following:
  • -what materials will you use to build your shelter (they should be APPROPRIATE for protection from nuclear fallout)
  • -EXPLAIN why you chose the materials 
  • -what will the layout of your shelter look like? You should include a drawing with labels and dimensions. Your drawing should have details about sleeping, eating, bathroom areas.
  • -where will you build your shelter? You should use information from the Nuclear Attack map to decide where you are going to start construction of your shelter
PART 3- food and water (100 pts)

Your group must have a long-term plan in place for food and water. Create some slides showing the systems you will use in order to supply our class with food and water. You should assume that we will all need to be in the fallout shelter an appropriate amount of time. Your food and water plan should include the following:
  • -where will your water come from and how will you purify it?
  • -USING THE NUCLEAR ATTACK MAP, determine how long we will need to stay in the shelter (in other words, how big of a food supply will we need in order to keep the class alive?)
  • -what kinds of food should we stock our shelter with, how much, and WHY did you choose the food you did?
PART 4- shelter amenities

Since we are going to have to stay in the shelter for a long time, we will need to make sure everyone is as healthy and happy as possible. What will your group include in your shelter design that will help all of use stay comfortable? You should include the following:
  • -how will everyone stay fit and get enough exercise?
  • -what kinds of things will there be inside of the shelter for fun?
  • -how will you ensure there is enough air for everyone to breath inside the shelter?
  • how will you address emotional health issues? what kinds of emotional health issues might arise in a fallout shelter situation?
Each part will be scored using this scoring guide:

1- ALL questions answered2- ALL questions answered thoughtfully and correctly3- Plan includes valid reasons and evidence4- Plan is creativeAll 4 = 100, 3=90, 2=80, 1=70

BELOW are some resources you can use for your project:

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6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...