Wednesday, April 17, 2019

7th grade homework 4/17/2019

On a sheet of notebook paper, write the following things at the top:
HW T3-6
7A or 7B

***If you will be absent Friday, please EMAIL the answers to your homework. Please write T3-5 7A or 7B in the subject line!***

Your homework is to answer one question:

Use your observations from the lab today to answer this question in C-R-E format:

IDENTIFY the seed that most likely disperses using the wind. Give EVIDENCE from your observations and LOGICAL REASONS to support your answer.

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6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...