Friday, October 18, 2019

8th grade: LAB REPORT 2

BELOW ARE RESOURCES TO HELP YOU WITH YOUR LAB REPORT, which you will need to write on your own! Your lab report is due at 7:45a on Monday October 28th!

  • For our experiment this week, the question we were trying to answer was: Does the distance between dominos affect the speed at which the dominos fall?
  • HINTS for your INTRODUCTION:There is NO control for this lab, but you DO need to identify: the independent and dependent variables AND the constants.
  • HINTS for your METHODS: write EVERY step in numbered format. Include as much detail as your can about WHAT we did.
  • HINTS for your analysis:
    • 1. Use this pooled class data for your lab analysis
    • 2. You should COPY the data from #1 into a NEW SHEET that you create
    • 3. Make a scatter plot to include in your lab report using the POOLED DATA (if you forget how to do that, you can read here or watch this video to help you)
    • 4. A good analysis should include a well labeled graph and a short paragraph that tells about the data.
  • HINTS FOR YOUR CONCLUSION: try and EXPLAIN the results from the lab using what you know about SCIENCE - in this case, Newton's Laws of Motion and forces. Use chapter 2 in your science book (starts on p. 42) to help you
  • Make sure you have NAMED your google document and your FIRST AND LAST NAME are written on your lab report
  • A sample lab report
  • Lab report scoring guide

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