Thursday, October 31, 2019


No homework this week, but your study guides for next week's tests go home on HALLOWEEN!
No homework next week, just remember to study for your trimester tests!

  • 8th grade tests on FRIDAY November 8th!
  • 7th grade tests on TUESDAY November 5th!
  • 6th grade tests on FRIDAY November 8th!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


7th grade:
In honor of the SCARIEST DAY OF THE YEAR, you will be doing a partner project on a SPOOKY animal.
READ the directions below THOROUGHLY before starting.

STEP 1: Browse this website of weird animals and choose 1 with your group to move forward with.
STEP 2: You will be given a blank piece of copy paper. On one side of the paper, for your chosen animal, IDENTIFY:

  • -what type of support system does it have?
  • -how does it move around?
  • -what type of gas exchange does it have?
  • -DRAW a simple picture of it
  • -TAXONOMIC information: LIST the class, order, family, genus, species name
  • -give 2 REASONS you think this animal is CREEPY as heck (find out some interesting facts about it!
STEP 3: CREATE a new animal that is CREEPY as heck. Your newly discovered animal should have information on the other side of your blank sheet of paper. You should include:
  • -a simple drawing of your creative creature
  • -TAXONOMIC information: you will need to be imaginative on this part! Come up with your own greek or latin sounding names for the animals: phylum, class, order, genus species (it should be in KINGDOM animalia). Click here for an example creature.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Homework week of 10/21/2019

SCIENCE STUDENTS: Click on the link to be taken to the article for homework. In the blog post below, you are given questions to answer related to the article your class has been assigned.
Please write the answers to your homework on a separate sheet of notebook paper.
At the top of your paper, you should write:

6th grade homework
Click on the link titled "6th grade homework" above and READ the article. Answer the following questions on your sheet of notebook paper:
1. DESCRIBE a typical year for a fur seal.
2. COMPARE fur seal population in California to fur seal population in Bogoslof.
3. DESCRIBE the unique geologic activity occurring on Bogoslof.
4. IDENTIFY what fur seals typically eat.
5. Give 1 reason scientists think there are so many seals on Bogoslof.

7th grade homework
Complete your zoology project!

8th grade homework
Complete your lab report! See the post before this one for resources to help you complete the lab report.
EXTRA CREDIT (4 pts): CLICK HERE for an example data table and make line graph using google sheets. (HINT: you cannot edit this sheet. Make a new sheet of your own). Make sure you name your google sheet "HALLOWEEN DATA EXTRA CREDIT" and share with Ms. Hubbard before midnight on 10/23/2019! 

Friday, October 18, 2019

8th grade: LAB REPORT 2

BELOW ARE RESOURCES TO HELP YOU WITH YOUR LAB REPORT, which you will need to write on your own! Your lab report is due at 7:45a on Monday October 28th!

  • For our experiment this week, the question we were trying to answer was: Does the distance between dominos affect the speed at which the dominos fall?
  • HINTS for your INTRODUCTION:There is NO control for this lab, but you DO need to identify: the independent and dependent variables AND the constants.
  • HINTS for your METHODS: write EVERY step in numbered format. Include as much detail as your can about WHAT we did.
  • HINTS for your analysis:
    • 1. Use this pooled class data for your lab analysis
    • 2. You should COPY the data from #1 into a NEW SHEET that you create
    • 3. Make a scatter plot to include in your lab report using the POOLED DATA (if you forget how to do that, you can read here or watch this video to help you)
    • 4. A good analysis should include a well labeled graph and a short paragraph that tells about the data.
  • HINTS FOR YOUR CONCLUSION: try and EXPLAIN the results from the lab using what you know about SCIENCE - in this case, Newton's Laws of Motion and forces. Use chapter 2 in your science book (starts on p. 42) to help you
  • Make sure you have NAMED your google document and your FIRST AND LAST NAME are written on your lab report
  • A sample lab report
  • Lab report scoring guide

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Homework week of 10/14/2019

SCIENCE STUDENTS: Click on the link to be taken to the BRAINPOP for homework. On Tuesday in class, you will be given a worksheet to complete related to the BrainPop.
At the top of your BrainPop paper, you should write:

If you do not have access to audio at home, please stay in for indoor recess and use a Chromebook to complete the homework!
You will need to log in to in order to do this homework!
The LOGIN is Eagles122
The PASSWORD is Eagles122

6th grade Brainpop: VOLCANOS episode

7th grade BrainPop: INSECTS episode
In addition to watching this BrainPop, you can use this website and Wikipedia to choose a tropical insect and write your paragraph for the last question!

8th grade BrainPop: FORCES episode

6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...