Monday, September 16, 2019

Homework week of 9.16.2019

SCIENCE STUDENTS: Click on the link to be taken to the article for homework. In the blog post below, you are given questions to answer related to the article your class has been assigned.
Please write the answers to your homework on a separate sheet of notebook paper.
At the top of your paper, you should write:
**You will need audio in order to complete the homework! Please stay in for indoor recess and use a chromebook to complete your homework if you do not have audio access at home!**

6th grade homework: click here for the video and questions.
Click on the link above to be taken to a video. WATCH the video, and write the answers to the questions on the page on your sheet of notebook paper. If the question is multiple choice, you just need to write the letter of the correct answer. If it is short answer, write in complete sentences!

7th grade homework: click here for the video and questions!
Click on the link above to be taken to a video. WATCH the video, and write the answers to the questions on the page on your sheet of notebook paper. If the question is multiple choice, you just need to write the letter of the correct answer. If it is short answer, write in complete sentences!

8th grade homework: click here for the video and questions
Click on the link above to be taken to a video. WATCH the video, and write the answers to the questions on the page on your sheet of notebook paper. If the question is multiple choice, you just need to write the letter of the correct answer. If it is short answer, write in complete sentences!

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6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...