Monday, August 26, 2019

Homework week of 8.26.2019

SCIENCE STUDENTS: Click on the link to be taken to the article for homework. In the blog post below, you are given questions to answer related to the article your class has been assigned.
Please write the answers to your homework on a separate sheet of notebook paper.
At the top of your paper, you should write:

6th grade homework
The following are the questions about this article that you should answer:
1. Make a list of 3 reasons growing food would be difficult on Mars.
2. EXPLAIN what aerogel is (in complete sentences).
3. EXPLAIN what terraforming is (in complete sentences).
4. The last section of the article talks about "photosynthetic life." What are some examples of photosynthetic life on earth?
5. Give your opinion about farming on Mars- do you think it is a wise use of our resources? EXPLAIN why or why not.

7th grade homework
The following are questions about this article that you should answer:
1. Use your notes about the 6 characteristics of life. Find 2 examples from the text that are evidence that this species of salamander is a living thing. Explain how your examples from the text are evidence of at least 1 of the 6 characteristics of life.
2.  EXPLAIN what a polyploid is. Use the internet to find 1 other example of an animal that is a polyploid. 
3. The writer of this article says "If you are living in an Ohio swamp, it seems, you may be better off without men." Give 1 piece of evidence from this article that supports this claim.
4. Describe the function of these salamander's tails (write in a complete sentence).

8th grade homework
The following are questions about this article that you should answer:
1. All experiments that scientists do start with a question. What is the question the scientists in the article were trying to answer by eating Legos?
2. Come up with a plausible hypothesis for this experiment.
3. There was at least 1 variable the scientists in this article kept constant during their experiment - what was that variable?
4. What kind of data do you think these scientists took in order to confirm whether or not Legos are harmful to the digestive tract? (For example, on last week's quiz, the experiment was testing whether or not dogs can see a certain color of frisbee better than other colors. The type of data collected was the number of times a dog could catch a certain color of frisbee).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

7th grade resources: animals native to Kentucky OR Panama

The links below are resources to reputable web pages that have information about some animals that are native to Kentucky. Use these web pages to find information that is relevant to your animal project.

Common mammals to Kentucky

Common fish to Kentucky

Common reptiles and amphibians native to Kentucky

Common birds native to Kentucky

Common insects native to Kentucky


The links below are resources to reputable web pages that have information about some animals that are native to the Panama rainforest. Use the web pages to find information that is relevant to your animal project.

Animals of Panama


Panama animal cards

WIKIPEDIA (yes, you can use this for this report!)

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Homework 8.19.2019

SCIENCE STUDENTS: Click on the link to be taken to the article for homework. READ the article in it's entirety and answer the multiple choice questions at the end on a separate sheet of notebook paper.
At the top of your paper, you should write:

6th grade science homework

7th grade science homework

8th grade science homework

Homework is due Friday, August 23rd.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Back 2 School - ALL GRADES extra credit!

Welcome back to school, Eagles!

I hope you were busy with fun, interesting activities this summer. I certainly was! Some students who are on social media noticed I traveled quite a bit during the month of July, and they received extra credit for correctly inferring that I passed through some grasslands on my way to Cerro, New Mexico. Below is a picture I took of the Cimarron National Grassland in southwest Kansas.

If you don't follow my on Instagram but would like to, you can add me @msshubb.

If you aren't on Instagram and don't plan to be, you can access my page only by clicking here. When a pop-up asks you to login, just click the X in the upper right hand corner.

For those of you who want an opportunity to start the year out with some extra points, here is an extra credit question you can answer:

Click on the link to the Cimarron National Grassland official website and read about this region of the United States. Answering the following questions in complete sentences:
1. Identify 3 plants native to the grasslands.
2. Do the grasslands have a WET climate or a DRY climate? Give one piece of evidence from the website that supports your answer.
You can EMAIL your response to me: OR turn in a sheet of lined paper with your name and the words EXTRA CREDIT written at the top by TUESDAY, August 20th. 

6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...