Wednesday, March 13, 2019

8th grade HW 3.13.2019

On a sheet of notebook paper, write the following things at the top:
HW T3-2
8M or 8F

Watch this video on the history of certain elements and answer the questions under the "THINK" tab. the THINK tab is on the right side of the web page.
Make sure you remember to label the questions; write in complete sentences if the question is a short answer; if the question is a multiple choice question, just write the letter of the correct answer.

*You are welcome to email your homework! Make sure you write "T3-2" in the subject line!

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6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...