Wednesday, February 27, 2019

8th grade HW 2.27.2019

On a sheet of notebook paper, write the following things at the top:
HW T3-1
8M or 8F

Watch this video on the physical and chemical properties of fire. Answer the questions under the "THINK" tab after viewing the video; the THINK tab is on the right side of the web page.
Make sure you remember to label the questions; write in complete sentences if the question is a short answer; if the question is a multiple choice question, just write the letter of the correct answer.

Homework is due FRIDAY, March 1st. Please make sure you homework is legible.
*You are welcome to email your homework! Make sure you write "T3-1" in the subject line!

7th grade HW 2.27.2019

On a sheet of notebook paper, write the following things at the top:
HW T3-1
7A or 7B

Watch this video on the feeling of fullness and answer the questions under the "Think" tab. (That tab is on the right side of the web page).

There are 8 questions, #1-#4 are multiple choice, #5-#8 are short answer.

Please make sure your answers are legible!
**You are WELCOME to email homework: please write T3-1 in the subject line, and if you send a word document, put your name on the document!**

Homework is due Friday, March 1st.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

6th grade HW 2.27.2019

On a sheet of notebook paper, write the following things at the top:
HW T3-1
6A or 6B

Watch this video on how fast the earth is moving through space.  Answer the questions under the "THINK" tab after viewing the video; the THINK tab is on the right side of the web page.
Make sure you remember to label the questions.
Questions #1-#4 are multiple choice.
Question #5-7 are short answers.

Please make sure your homework is legible and easy to grade.
**You are welcome to email your homework. If you do, please put "T3-1" in the subject line. If you write your HW on a word document, please write your name on the document!**

Homework is due FRIDAY, March 1st. 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

7th grade: digestive system disorders

Use the resources below to help you complete the table given to you.

Celiac disease

AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR PAPER, there is some blank space. Answer the question below in that blank space in complete sentences. This is an opinion question, you can only get it "wrong" if you do not support your opinion! In other words, put in effort on this question: 

Some people have medical problems that damage their digestive system. We have become very good at creating artificial replacements for some of those individually damaged parts. However, do you think human invention could ever replace the whole digestive system, matching its natural effectiveness? Why, or why not, do you think that is the case?

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


8th grade:
Create a lesson plan about physical and chemical changes. Your lesson should be geared towards 5th grade students. Here is a sample lesson plan.
Your plan needs to include:

  • 1- a measurable objective: what are the kids going to learn at the end of this lesson? FOR EXAMPLE: Students will learn to calculate the amount of heat energy in an object, given information about specific heat, mass and temperature is an objective.
  • 2- At least 3 learning activities (notes, labs, readings, ect)
  • 3- Details about what the learning activities are
  • 4- Lesson plan should be creative
EMAIL your lesson plan to Ms. Hubbard. The subject should say: "EXTRA CREDIT LESSON PLAN."
If you plan includes all 4 bullet points you will receive: 50 pts extra credit
3 = 45 pts extra credit
2= 40 pts extra credit
1= 35 pts extra credit

7th grade:
Create a lesson plan about one of the following topics:
  • The definition of anatomy and physiology
  • Functions of the skeletal system
  • Functions of the integumentary system
  • Functions of the muscular system

Here is a sample lesson plan.
Your plan needs to include:

  • 1- a measurable objective: what are the kids going to learn at the end of this lesson? FOR EXAMPLE: Students will learn to describe the 3 different kinds of joints and identify examples of them in the human body is an objective.
  • 2- At least 3 learning activities (notes, labs, readings, ect)
  • 3- Details about what the learning activities are
  • 4- Lesson plan should be creative
EMAIL your lesson plan to Ms. Hubbard. The subject should say: "EXTRA CREDIT LESSON PLAN."
If you plan includes all 4 bullet points you will receive: 50 pts extra credit
3 = 45 pts extra credit
2= 40 pts extra credit
1= 35 pts extra credit

6th grade:
Create a lesson plan appropriate for 4th graders about the conditions on the moon.
Here is a sample lesson plan.
Your plan needs to include:

  • 1- a measurable objective: what are the kids going to learn at the end of this lesson? FOR EXAMPLE: Students will learn to determine what phase the moon is in, given the date of the latest new moon is an objective.
  • 2- At least 3 learning activities (notes, labs, readings, ect)
  • 3- Details about what the learning activities are
  • 4- Lesson plan should be creative
EMAIL your lesson plan to Ms. Hubbard. The subject should say: "EXTRA CREDIT LESSON PLAN."
If you plan includes all 4 bullet points you will receive: 50 pts extra credit
3 = 45 pts extra credit
2= 40 pts extra credit
1= 35 pts extra credit

8th grade HW 2.13.2019

Complete this homework assignment on a sheet of notebook paper.
Write your name and HOMEWORK 2/13/2019 at the top of the paper.

DESCRIBE the following substances. Use chemistry vocabulary to describe the substance. For each substance, be sure to:
1- determine if it is a: element, compound, mixture (homogenous or heterogenous)
2- describe 3 physical properties (you should be able to do this based on LOOKING at pictures of the substance
3- describe 1 chemical property. For most of these, you will need to read about the substance to find out this information.

A: Alkaline water
B: Linseed oil
C: Orange juice
D: Marshmallows
E: WD-40

6th grade HW 2.13.2019

Read this article about the most recent lunar eclipse and answer the questions below on a sheet of notebook paper.
At the top of your notebook paper, you should write:
Homework #10

1. EXPLAIN what a lunar eclipse is.
2. TRUE or FALSE: total lunar eclipses are very rare.
3. EXPLAIN why the moon appears red during a lunar eclipse.
4. Use the diagram to list 4 countries where the lunar eclipse was TOTALLY visible on January 21st.
5. EXPLAIN how the volcanic eruption in Indonesia might have made the latest lunar eclipse appear more red in color. 

7th grade HW 1.13.2019

Read this article about the skeletal anatomy of the TREX and answer the questions below on a sheet of notebook paper.
At the top of your notebook paper, be sure to write:

1. EXPLAIN WHY hyenas and other meat eating mammals can crush through the bones of other animals.
2. TRUE or FALSE: T. Rex teeth fit together like carnivorous mammals teeth.
3. DESCRIBE how scientists were able to estimate the strength of a T. Rex bite.
4. Make a table (like the one we did in class) of the jaw bone of a T. Rex. Your table should include: the ANATOMY of the T. Rex jaw (it's form); the PHYSIOLOGY of the T. Rex jaw (it's function) and the drawing of the jaw bones. 

6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...