Saturday, December 8, 2018

7th grade quiz #3 - for studying for midterm!

Answers are highlighted in red.

7th grade Science Quiz #3 Please write your answers on a sheet of lined paper. You do not have to re-write the questions!
1. A corgi has a litter of 4 puppies: 3 of them have blonde fur, and one has black fur. Choose the statement below that is the most reasonable conclusion:
A. Black fur is the dominant phenotype in corgis
B. The puppy with black fur is likely to have 2 recessive alleles
C. Black fur is the recessive phenotype in corgis
D. BOTH answers B and C
2. CHOOSE the statement below that most accurately describes what an allele is:
A. An allele is both of the genes that determine a given trait
B. An allele is one of the parts of DNA that makes up a gene
C. An allele is a specific form of a gene, either dominant or recessive
D. Offspring get 2 alleles of a gene from their mother
3. DRAW a molecule of DNA. INCLUDE: at least 6 nucleotides (label them with a letter), sugars, phosphates see study guide!
4. Sometimes, DNA helicase works to “unzip” a molecule of DNA. CHOOSE the answer that best EXPLAINS why DNA needs to be unzipped:
A. DNA has to be unzipped in order to create mutations
B. When DNA needs to be copied, it has to be unzipped so that both sides can be copied
C. DNA has to be destroyed in order to make new DNA by unzipping it first

D. DNA helicase does not unzip, it actually repairs DNA

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