Tuesday, December 11, 2018


For extra credit, read the appropriate news article below and answer the following questions on a sheet of notebook paper:

1. Make a bullet pointed list that SUMMARIZES the main ideas in the article (6-7 points)
2. Use 3 of the vocabulary words in a sentence that DEMONSTRATES you understand the meaning
3. Give your opinion about the news story; some questions to think about: did you find the article relevant? Do you think the work these scientists are doing is important (EXPLAIN why or why not?) What are some other questions you have about this topic after reading the article?

8th grade: Harry Potter can Apparate- CAN YOU?
7th grade: how wombats make their cube shaped poop!
6th grade: the quake that shook up geology

Sunday, December 9, 2018

7th grade mid-term study guide quiz #2

Answers are highlighted in red.

1. Mokey the Fraggle is working with a team of scientists to study the rock formations at the
Red River Gorge. She stops at a big, rocky arch and writes:
The rocks on this arch are brown and gray in color. They feel crumbly and soft.”
Is this statement an OBSERVATION or an INFERENCE?
2. Mokey continues to hike through the gorge and sees two sets of footprints on the trail ahead of her. She says:
I am guessing a duck and a raccoon made friends, since their footprints are side by side!
Is this statement an OBSERVATION or an INFERENCE?
3. In Fraggles, there is a single gene that controls skin color.
The dominant phenotype is blueish/purple skin, and the recessive phenotype is
orange skin. Bubber is heterozygous for this trait. Red is homozygous recessive.
GIVE Bubber and Red’s GENOTYPES.
Use the letter “K” or “k” to represent the skin color gene.
RED- kk
4. Do a punnett square crossing Bubber, whose genotype for skin color is Kk, and Mokey,
who’s genotype for skin color is kk.

5. If Mokey and Bubber were to mate and have 4 fraggle babies, make an educated guess as to how many of them would show the recessive trait for skin color (orange skin). This is the one question you should answer in complete sentences! Use data from your answer to question #4 to support your answer to this question.
If Mokey and Gobo were to mate and have 4 fraggle babies, 50% of their fraggle babies would be orange skinned, because all of the possible outcomes, 2 of the 4 have the dominant gene for skin color.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

7th grade quiz #3 - for studying for midterm!

Answers are highlighted in red.

7th grade Science Quiz #3 Please write your answers on a sheet of lined paper. You do not have to re-write the questions!
1. A corgi has a litter of 4 puppies: 3 of them have blonde fur, and one has black fur. Choose the statement below that is the most reasonable conclusion:
A. Black fur is the dominant phenotype in corgis
B. The puppy with black fur is likely to have 2 recessive alleles
C. Black fur is the recessive phenotype in corgis
D. BOTH answers B and C
2. CHOOSE the statement below that most accurately describes what an allele is:
A. An allele is both of the genes that determine a given trait
B. An allele is one of the parts of DNA that makes up a gene
C. An allele is a specific form of a gene, either dominant or recessive
D. Offspring get 2 alleles of a gene from their mother
3. DRAW a molecule of DNA. INCLUDE: at least 6 nucleotides (label them with a letter), sugars, phosphates see study guide!
4. Sometimes, DNA helicase works to “unzip” a molecule of DNA. CHOOSE the answer that best EXPLAINS why DNA needs to be unzipped:
A. DNA has to be unzipped in order to create mutations
B. When DNA needs to be copied, it has to be unzipped so that both sides can be copied
C. DNA has to be destroyed in order to make new DNA by unzipping it first

D. DNA helicase does not unzip, it actually repairs DNA


Below are the answers to the mid-term sample questions!
First are two photos; the table below the photos contains the sample questions with the answers in red.

Cardi is taking data on honey bees and whether or not they have a preference of flower type. She writes 4 statements in her science notebook. CLASSIFY each statement as an observation OR an inference: I saw 5 bees go to the pink flowers and 15 bees visit the blue flowers. OBSERVATION I noticed the blue flowers smell sweet and fruity, while the pink flowers do not smell at all. OBSERVATION I think the blue flowers have sweeter nectar, and that is why the bees prefer them. INFERENCE I also counted 2 butterflies on the blue flowers, and 0 butterflies on the pink flowers. OBSERVATION
DETERMINE the genotypes for the following Fraggles: homozygous dominant for skin color KK, heterozygous for skin color Kk, homozygous recessive for skin color kk.
A fraggle with the genotype KK ORANGE, and fraggle BLUE, and a fraggle with the genotype Kk ORANGE
UAUACCG; this strand of mRNA leaves the nucleus and then goes to the ribosome to be "read" (translated) by the tRNA. The tRNA follow the directions of the mRNA and grab amino acids to make a long protein strand.
DELETION: when a nucleotide from the original DNA sequence is deleted or removed; INSERTION: when a nucleotide form the original DNA sequence is added; SUBSTITUTION: when a nucleotide from the original DNA sequence is switched out for a different one

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

7th grade HW #5 12.5.2018

Read this article about gene editing and answer the questions below:

1. DESCRIBE what happened to the population of Anopheles gambie that scientists in the article were studying. (Write in complete sentences!!)
2. DEFINE what a "gene drive" is.
3. EXPLAIN how the gene modification in this mosquito prevents the spread of malaria.
4. IDENTIFY 1 reason some scientists are nervous about introducing this gene modification into the wild.
5. CHOOSE 1 of the power words and use in the complete sentence to show you understand the meaning of the word.

6th grade HW #5 12.5.2018

Read this article  about where wind comes from and answer the questions below:

1. What causes winds? (HINT: it is a change in something.)
2. IDENTIFY where thermal wind currents start. (HINT: where is the most heat on the planet?)
3. EXPLAIN (write in complete sentences) how the jet stream forms.
4. EXPLAIN what causes local winds (use complete sentences!)
5. Choose one of the power words from the article and use it in a complete sentence to show you understand what it means.  

6a/6b distance learning 5.14.2020-5.15.2020

You have a quiz on the water cycle AND weather today!!!! Don't panic, it is open note and open book and open computer and open brain!  ...